Work at pill & pillow

2016 - 2017, Hong Kong

An interactive, Monopoly-like game that educates the public on how to be a smart and responsible financial consumer.

One or two users play as special agents, rolling physical dice and then answering financial-related questions to chase down the criminal.


Designed and modified the Bluetooth dice with colleagues, then developed its API, synchronisation backend system, and iOS application. Served as the main contact person to cooperate with the Government of Hong Kong for maintenance.


MbientLab, Node.js, Xcode

Concept & Creative Direction

Henry Chu

Animation & Sound Design

Jonathan Mak

Dice Modification

Henry Chu & Jason Huang

Dice API, iOS Application & Synchronisation Backend System

Jason Huang


The process of the project was smooth, but as the site hosts mostly adolescents, the durability of the dice was tested to extremes, costing us more time than expected on maintenance. Therefore, although we had run durability tests, tangible interactive projects should expect more extreme use cases, and foresee corresponding maintenance costs and needs.

The dice are filled with packing peanuts for safety, and contain a Bluetooth sensor at the bottom, utilising a gyroscope to determine which number is on the top. This allows players to interact with the game without any controllers.

The sensor was modified and soldered to an AA battery box, which was placed inside a pocket near the dice cover zipper, making it easier for on-site staff to maintain.

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